Sunday, February 15, 2009

mmm.. cheerios

As Axel grows so quickly, I think that each stage is so fun I wish it could last.... then I think about how the next stage will be even better... Yet I cannot think that anything is better than a wet slobbery baby kiss and hug!

Axel is growing like a weed and has grown out of everything we thought would last us until summer. He is also becoming quite interested in the world. He still refuses to crawl, or even try. Why crawl when Mom and Dad can carry you! His favorite food right now is Cheerios. Every meal must start and end with Cheerios. Ohhh, how Sid loves this stage... he has learned that sitting under the high chair can be very lucrative!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


As many know Axel has a very loud "voice" when he wants to. I caught this great sequence of the scream the other day on camera....