Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Morning!

These photos are backwards in time... so this is Axel during his Christmas day nap. It was a very exciting day!

Axel on his new horse!

A video of gift opening is coming soon!

Christmas Eve Books!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yes, we actually saw Santa with no tears... not too many words, but no tears...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ice cream, painting and Sharks

Aunt Mary got a blow up shark for Axel. He "woves it". As you can tell it has been added to the animal list that all hang out in bed with him at bedtime.

Daddy made ice cream cones tonight.... yummy.

Axel and I worked on a craft project Sunday. Leo had to sit in the booster to help.

Sid was also very helpful as you can see.... the "glue" was flour and water (tasty). You cannot beat free glue when working on paintings for the living room!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We had a great time playing, jumping and raking leaves this week. Hello fall!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I cannot believe it has been over a month since I updated our blog. Axel is growing up fast!

One... Two.... Leos!

Axel found both of his Leo's while camping.... whoops. This is the only know photographic evidence of both of them. then one of them "disappeared" again. :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Axel is Two!

YAY for Cake!!!

Does he not look four in this photo?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Hats and Computer Tales

On the way to Seattle this month we stopped in Ritzville to buy some dinner. We do not get our Happy Meal in a box in Spokane... it was a great treat, and a super hat!

Speaking of hats.... how do you get your (almost) two year old to wear his bike helmet. Especially when his head is too big!

Axel and Emily watching TV before bed. She is almost 5. Is my kid too big, or Kim and Todd's too small. Maybe a bit of both.

Axel loves to learn his alphabet on the computer.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Big Boy Beds and Bathtub Songs

I cannot believe Axel is in a Big Boy Bed. Where does the time go.....

Axel sang me a song in the tub a few weeks ago... he loves to sing! They make no sense, but I love the clapping in this one.

The Zoo

Last week we went to the zoo! We saw all sorts of animals. Tigers, cows, birds, and even elephants. Yet, Axel got a bit scared as we started with the lions, monkeys and elephants.... oops.

A bit nervous as we are going toward the monkeys.

warming up a bit to the zebra's

Scared to death of the monkeys!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A new truck

Can you believe we have a new truck (new to us...). WOW! 12 years with the Jeep, it was sad to see it go.

Tarps and Squirt Guns

A few thoughts on having a boy. Nothing is safe...