Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Axel fell asleep tonight with his balloon in his hand. He has been sleeping with it for about 2 hours now. I cannot stop laughing!

Monday, December 19, 2011


It took a while but we finally got a few good shots of Axel. 3 trips to the photo studio and more money than we needed to spend. But, heck - he is only 3 once!

Axel went to see Santa at the mall this last week. He was SO excited. Then he had to "go pee" when he was next in line. Classic. Matt and Axel ran off to the restroom while I held his place in line. When they got back Axel got to see Santa and told him "I want 5 things, because
I pooped in the potty". Ahhhh, that is one for the record books.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall is here!

Axel looking through the toy book for Christmas gift ideas. Yes, it does start that early!

I made a car out of the box we had. It needs some work!


On our way into the Eastern Game.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


He insisted that he had to be SPIDERMAN for Halloween.... He has already broken in the costume.

He is very nervous about sticky his hand in the pumkin.....

He was not very happy about it!

In one day this basket was a hang-glider (above) - bed for Leo - Foot Cast - Catchers Mask - shooting helmet - and many more I cannot even remember.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 year old conversations

Axel talks - a LOT.

Here are a few snippets:

Heading into the Baseball game. Fireworks go off. Axel "Mom that just scared jesus out of me!" (ie. that scared the bejesus out of me).

Random Stranger: Where does your Daddy work? Axel "In the parking garage!"

Axel trying to get out of going to bed. "Mommy, your son is very sad. You should come in here".

Me picking up legos. Axle "Hey Mom, do you need a hand?". Why yes, yes I do.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Going to Africa

For some reason Axel is obsessed with going to Africa.

On our last plane trip he was insistant that we were going to Africa to see a lions. I told him "when he was older". That was about a year ago. Matt just brought up going on a plane trip - maybe to Seattle. Axel said "and then to Africa to see some lions??". No. Just to Seattle. The child has the memory of an elephant!

Today in the grocery store he was buying an airplane and the clerk asked "Have you ever been on a plane?" He pipes up "I am going to Africa to see lions!.... but not todayyyyy".

I think someday we are going to have to go to Africa....

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Camping in the rain

Axel does not seem to excited to be camping in the rain!

I like how he crosses his leg like he is very serious.


Boundary Dam

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Easter Egg hunting

Axel had a hard time finding his present....