Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Axel LOVES Dinosaurs right now.  He had the best time at the Seattle Sience Center looking at the dino exibit.  After a long day in Seattle on the way home passing Vantage he asks
Axel: "Mom - do Palentologists dig for dino bones here?". 
Matt: "How do you know the word Palentologist?!?!"
Me: "Axel, you should become one and find out!"

Last week we were at the PI for dinner.  I ask Axel "what do you want to be when you grow up?"
The waiter walking behind him says "A Superhero?"
Axel looks up at him and say "No... I am going to be a Palentologist - and hunt for Dino bones!!"
I think the waiter almost fell over!

Hanging Out

Sunday, June 3, 2012


All is going well here.  I am REALLY behind on the blog.  Imagine that.  :)
Luke is doing great, and Axel is an amazing big brother.

He even loves to play dino's with Luke... even though Luke is being attacked by the dinos...


2 months old